
A Guide to Understanding Oakbrook PCA
Link to the PCA Boook of Church Order (BCO) and our Westminster Standards at PCA website
Our Officer Training Guide
OCC Leader Nominee Exam    RTF Format

Westminster Confession of Faith: Confession of Faith w/ Scripture Proofs
Helpful Videos on Westminster Confession of Faith by Dr. Robertson, FPC Augusta, GA:
Introduction                   01 Holy Scriptures           02 God
03 God’s Decrees         04 Creation                      05 Providence
06 Fall of Man               07 God’s Covenant          08 Christ the Mediator
09 Free Will                  10 Effectual Calling          11 Justification
12 Adoption                  13 Sanctification               14 Saving Faith
15 Repentance to Life  16 Good Works                 17 Perseverance
18 Assurance                19 Law of God                  20 Christian Liberty
21 Worship                    22 Lawful Oaths               23 Civil Magistrate
24 Marriage/Divorce      25 The Church                 26 Communion of Saints
27 Sacraments              28 Baptism                      29 Lord’s Supper
30 Church Censures     31 Synods & Councils     32 Death Resurrection
33 Last Judgment


Shorter Catechism Larger Catechism PCA Book of Church Order (BCO) Other Resources to Supplement your Growth: