
Hear Sermons

by Series          Most Recent

  • A Healthy Church

    A Healthy Church

    A sermon series looking at the biblical truths on what it means to be a healthy church.
  • Advent

  • Christmas

  • Colossians

    Sermons from Paul's letter to the Colossians. Understand what it means to live "in Christ."
  • Daniel

    A look at the lessons from the 1st six chapters of Daniel. Lessons for believers living in a hostile world.
  • Discipleship

  • Easter

  • Ephesians


    Sermons from Paul's letter to the Ephesians
  • Exodus

  • Genesis

    Genesis - the first book of the Bible shows God's people how we got here, who we are and who God is. From the beginning we see God's grace shining through...
  • Haggai


    A sermon series on the book of Haggai.
  • Feed on God's Word


    Sermons preached at Oakbrook Community Church
  • Psalms


    Messages from the Psalms preached at Oakbrook Community Church
  • Reformation

  • Titus

    The Book of Titus. A study on leadership and church life.
  • Zechariah