Prayer Resources

Prayer Resources

Prayer… we talk about it, most believers say it is important… but do YOU pray? If we are honest with ourselves most of us find that we think more about prayer than we actually pray. Ask yourself, “what is the purpose of the Christian life?” A...
Bible Reading Plans

Bible Reading Plans

Read God's Word Read God's Word Wherever You Are! Growing by Reading God's Word the one who neglects his Bible is bound to be a failure in the Christian life ~ R.A. Torrey Program for Shirkers and Slackers by Margie Haack of Ransom Fellowship (Printable PDF) Dr. John...
Family Worship

Family Worship

Family Worship & Devotions A Family Altar can Alter Your Family! We believe that the family is the core social unit that God has created. The best way to pass on the faith is through good solid families who regularly worship God and talk about and live out His...