Oak Community Church (PCA) has been established as a local body of the Church for the purpose of:
Reaching out to the lost and needy through word and deed, beginning in our local community and reaching around the world.
Nurturing one another through teaching, equipping one another for service and making disciples of all who come to know salvation through the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Building the body of the Church of Jesus Christ through regular worship, prayer, fellowship and observing the sacraments.
Oak Community Church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), is Evangelical and Reformed.
By Evangelical, we mean that we emphasize the amazing gospel (the good news of salvation) through faith in Jesus Christ. Because the Gospel is such great news, we want to share it with others!
By Reformed, we mean that we are connected to the teachings of the historic church and the doctrinal beliefs recovered by the Reformation. These doctrinal beliefs are expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms and are an excellent summary of the Bible’s teaching but they, like all human documents, are always subject to and subordinate to God’s Holy Scriptures.
We would welcome you to come and worship the Lord with us on Sundays.
You may come dressed as you feel comfortable (some get all dressed up, others simply wear jeans). What matters is that you come with a heart ready to come before God’s throne of grace to worship.
We use an eclectic blend (contemporary, traditional and psalms) of music in our worship. We read God’s Word, pray, and hear His Holy Word preached.
We meet for worship on Sundays at 9:30am in our new facility at 10760 Dorchester Rd, 29485.
We follow the regulative principle of worship. In simpler words, that means that we use a Christ-centered focus to guide our worship service so you will sing, confess your sins, be reminded of God’s gracious pardon through Christ, and hear God’s Word preached.
Corporate Worship Time – Sundays @ 9:30 a.m
We are family friendly meaning we expect most children to stay in worship. We offer a nursery for the youngest children.
We celebrate the Lord’s Table on the First Sunday of each month. Believing members are invited to join us. Visitors are invited to partake of the Lord’s Table only if they are profess true faith in Jesus Christ alone and are communicants in good standing in an evangelical church.
We stream to Facebook Live each week. Visit our Facebook Page